Recognition of Prior Learning

Recognition of Prior Learning The Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE) had launched Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY) in the year 2015. The objective of this Skill Certification Scheme is to enable a large number of Indian youth to take up industry-relevant skill training that will help them in securing a better livelihood. Individuals with prior learning experience or skills will also be assessed and certified under the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) component of the Scheme. RPL mainly focuses on the individuals engaged in unregulated sectors.

The objectives of RPL are primarily three-fold:

To align the competencies of the un-regulated workforce of the country to the standardized National Skills Qualification Framework (NSQF),

To enhance the career/employability opportunities of an individual as well as provide alternative routes to higher education and

To provide opportunities for reducing inequalities based on privileging certain forms of knowledge over others.

RPL shall be undertaken by Project Implementing Agencies (iLEAD FOUNDATION) through any of the three project types specified under Section 2 of this guidelines document. iLEAD FOUNDATIONs shall include Sector Skill Councils (SSCs) or any other agencies designated by MSDE/NSDC. Assessment Agencies (AAs) are not permitted to be iLEAD FOUNDATIONs under RPL.

Any revisions made to these Guidelines will be uploaded on the official website of PMKVY, All stakeholders are advised to regularly check for amendments / changes, if any.

Eligible Beneficiaries

RPL is applicable to any candidate of Indian nationality who: •

On the date of enrolment, fits the minimum age criteria as per the Qualification Pack (QP) requirements •

Possesses an Aadhaar Card [verifiable alternate IDs, such as PAN or Voter ID may be applicable for Jammu & Kashmir (J&K) and certain states in the North-East Region] and a bank account, and


Fits the pre-screening criteria defined by SSC for the respective job role

RPL Process

The RPL process comprises of five steps,



iLEAD FOUNDATION may engage a Mobilizing Agency (such as Associations/ NGOs / Training Partners) to assist in on-ground mobilization of potential candidates to RPL Camps / RPL Centres.


Counselling & Pre-Screening

Potential candidates shall be counselled by RPL facilitators in the following areas: •

  • What is PMKVY
  • •
  • What is RPL (explanation of the 5-step RPL process)
  • •
  • How will Skill Certification according to NSQF help in transforming the candidate’s life

In addition, the Induction Video on RPL under PMKVY should be shown to the candidates at this stage.

After counselling, the RPL facilitator is to conduct a robust and thorough pre-screening of the candidates to ascertain which job role matches with their prior knowledge and experience most and to identify knowledge gaps, if any. The pre-screening process is divided into two parts:

Candidates shall be enrolled under the Scheme upon completion of counselling and pre-screening. At the time of enrolment, it is mandatory for candidates to have valid Aadhaar numbers [or alternate IDs in the case of J&K and applicable North-East states] and bank accounts. If a candidate does not have an Aadhaar number and/or bank account, the iLEAD FOUNDATION is required to facilitate the same prior to the candidate’s enrolment under the Scheme.



iLEAD FOUNDATIONs are to ensure that each enrolled candidate undergoes orientation. The orientation, to be imparted by RPL facilitators, shall include the following activities:

Orientation Activities (Minimum Duration)

S.No Activity Minimum Duration
1. Domain Training (clarifying any doubts/gaps a candidate may have with respect to Job Role including the topic of Health and Safety) 3 Hours
2. Soft Skills and Entrepreneurship Tips specific to the Job Role 2 Hours
3. Familiarization with Assessment Process and Terms 1 Hour


Final Assessment

iLEAD FOUNDATION to identify SSC (or the successor National Board for Skill Certification) accredited AAs to conduct the Final Assessment of the candidates. There should be no overlap in the functions of the AA and the RPL facilitator engaged for the project.

Assessments under RPL shall be conducted in a similar manner to the Short Term Training Component of PMKVY (2016-2020) in accordance with the NSQF. The difference is in the way the results are evaluated.

The pass percentage for a QP basis the NSQF Levels is outlined in Table 5.

Pass Percentage for a QP basis NSQF levels

NSQF Level Percentage required for Passing a QP
1,2,3 50 %
4 & above 70 %

A candidate who achieves greater than or equal to the pass percentage mentioned in Table 5 for a QP, shall be awarded the Skill Certificate, marksheet and payout (INR 500). Certified candidates will receive a Grade (A/B/C) on their Skill Certificates (refer to Section for the grading criteria).

A candidate who achieves less than the pass percentage mentioned for a QP, but at least 30% or above of the total score, shall receive only the marksheet and payout (INR 500).

A candidate who scores less than 30% of the total score, shall receive only the marksheet and be encouraged to undergo Short Term Training under PMKVY 2.

Only those candidates who have valid Aadhaar numbers [or alternate IDs in the case of J&K and applicable North-East states] and a bank account shall be issued the Skill Certificate/ marksheet/payout, as applicable (in accordance with Sections,, and


Before the start of assessment, all candidates are to receive an assessment orientation. The assessment orientation should include an explanation of the assessment process and assessment format, and familiarize the candidates with the assessment technology.


Assessments have to be conducted in local languages. Language, communication and expressions used in the assessment should be understandable and appropriate to the candidates. Special arrangements may be made for candidates who cannot read/write or express their inability to use the assessment technology provided.


The AA will also review the evidences submitted by the candidate (such as confirmation of the identity of the candidate and physical verification of the documentation provided by the candidate).


Final assessment results should be uploaded by AA on the SDMS within five days of the completion of the assessment.


Certification & Payout

SSCs need to validate and approve the results uploaded by the AAs within seven days of the final assessment.

iLEAD FOUNDATIONs shall then notify the final assessment result to the candidates and provide details of a designated area and time when they can collect the Skill Certificate and/or marksheet. If the mobile number of the candidate is recorded, the iLEAD FOUNDATION should notify them of the aforementioned details via SMS.

Candidates will be provided Skill Certificate/marksheet/payout (INR 500) in accordance to their eligibility, as specified under. The payout of INR 500 will be directly deposited to the candidate’s bank account. Only candidates with valid bank details will be considered by NSDC for processing of the payout amount. iLEAD FOUNDATIONs are to ensure that the accurate bank details of candidates are captured on the SDMS upon enrolment.Candidates eligible for the Skill Certificate shall also be provided Grades (A/B/C)

Grades Provided on Skill Certificate

Grade Score Range
NSQF Levels 1,2 and 3
A 85% and above
B > 70% to < 85%
C 50% to 70%
NSQF Levels 4 and above
A 85% and above
B 70% to < 85%

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